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Angular 2 Final Release

The wait is over Angular devs! Angular 2 final release is here ready for use. Today, at a special meetup at Google, angular team announced the final release version of Angular 2, the full-platform successor to Angular 1. A few of the things you can

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Angular 2.0.0-rc.7 released

As we are getting closer to final release the Angular2 team is releasing more often rc’s. The latest RC.7 is available now for download. Minimal breaking changes this time (as they promised to be fair). Complete changelog below: Bug Fixes core: allow group() to be

How to disable Material theme in google chrome

As you may have noticed in the latest Google Chrome update there is a big change in UI. Google decided to push for the Material theme in our beloved browser. Many users out there are not happy with this change though. So if you are

Raspberry PI in Gameboy Advance

We have seen in the past some really nice mods with Rasperry Pi’s but this has to be of my favorites. The user ‘Ryzee’ posted in reddit a great worklog of his project. He also mentioned that he will post the pcb files for those

angular-cli logo

Adding jQuery to Angular-CLI project

Angular-cli project became quite famous after the latest ng-conf and now more and more people are using it. I am one of them and to be honest I enjoy the simplicity and the convenience it gives you when you want to start a new project

travel app resources

Resources for writing a travel app

The last few months I maintain a github repository with resources for building travel applications. You can find information in json format for countries, maps, languages, phone codes etc. Also I wrote a small nodejs rest api that you install in your server if you want

NodeJS _RxJS_observable

Request Wikipedia API with NodeJs and RX Observables

ReactiveX is one of those things that if you start using it then there is no turn back. RX observables gives you freedom and control at the same time. Below is a small code example on how to create an observable and subscribe to it. To observe a

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Angular 2.0.0-rc.3 released

The Angular team released a new candidate some hours ago and I am pretty excited to see that things moving faster than few months ago. In this release there is a major performance improvement and the @angular/router has been finally merged to the main repository.

Attiny85 arduino

ATTiny85 – Small and efficient

When you are in a need to control or measure just one thing and there are no high expectations in speed or memory there is absolutely no reason to use a microcontroller like Atmega328p(the one you can find in Arduino Uno). You should consider the ATTiny85

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Angular 2.0.0-rc.2 released

Angular 2.0.0-rc.2 just released and there is a number of improvements and fixes. Have a look below for the complete list. Bug Fixes Animation: Problem with decimals using commas as decimal separation (5f3d02b), closes #6335 #6338 animations: Ensure AUTO styles are cleared at the end