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Arduboy, the interactive business card

A nice project from user Batseke showed up recently on the web. It looks like a miniature gameboy with dimensions of a bussiness card. It is powered  by an Atmel TQFP32 which has enough juice to let you play tetris or flappy bird in its Oled

Soundcard for RaspberryPi

Element 14 announced a Wolfson powered audio card for Raspberry Pi. Price is around 33$ and it can be connected to an amp over 3.5mm line-out or via the digital S/PDIF output. The resolution is 24-bit / 192KHz which is more than enough for most

40 Raspberry Pi cluster

A brilliant project from engineer David Guill. David wanted a cluster to work on distributed software so he designed and build his own supercomputer! Here are the specifications of the final system: 40 cores Broadcom BCM2835 @700 MHz 20 GB total distributed RAM 5 TB disk storage –

Mobile/Tablet Emulation in Chrome

The easiest way I found so far to do a quick check on how the website I am working on appears in some of the most popular mobile devices is through the latest versions of Google chrome. So just browse to your website and then

Ray Kurzweil Explains Singularity

In this short video Ray Kurzweil, the great mind behind Google Engineering team explains Singularity. Not an easy topic for sure! My small brain has trouble digesting theories, views and ideas like these. Have a look, it worths it: Raymond “Ray” Kurzweil born February 12,

SanDisk 128GB microSDXC card

SanDisk breaks the limit for one more time! They managed to squezee 128gb in a microSD card. 10 years ago the first microSD card had only 128mb and now it has 1000 times more! Innovation comes with a high price tag though so if you

Store Arduino data to Firebase database [Howto]

[UPDATE] This is a very old project and at the time was the only solution I could think of. Now things changed and more powerful boards are available which solve the issue of https. Please have a look at this library instead  The last

Understand how simple is to use Grunt

Chris Coyier wrote a great guide in which he explains how easily is to learn and use Grunt. For those that don’t, Grunt is a task manager that will help you with your daily tasks as a developer. Chris shows how to install and start

Leap year check in C#/Javascript

The easiest way to check if the year supplied to your app is a leap one just execute the if statement below if( Year % 400 == 0 || ( Year % 4 == 0 && Year % 100 != 0 ) ) {}  

Isaac Newton’s first telescope

Interested in really old technology? Then check out Isaac Newton’s first telescope. For making the mirror he used the metal alloy speculum. Speculum is the latin word for “mirror” and is a mix of 2 parts copper, 1 part tin and a little bit of arsenium.  He build