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Tag Archives: IoT


NFC technology – Free Webinar – STMicroelectronics

The Internet of Things is pushing a wave of new applications integrating NFC every day. NFC is a simple and intuitive, zero power wireless technology. This technology is paving the way to new opportunities: enriching branding and customer engagement; going beyond industrial logistics and supply chain, with

ARM IBM-MBED IoT Starter Kit

The IBM-MBED IOT STARTER KIT is an ARM and IBM bolster Internet of Things with cloud based mbed starter kit. The ARM has joined forces with IBM to launch its Internet of Things (IoT) mbed device platform as a starter kit with cloud support, offering

Arduino Internet of Things Manifesto

The Internet of Things can change the way citizens live, travel, and take care of each other. These developments are being supported by large corporations as well as startups. Arduino has been part of the conversation since early on. We believe that the best way